Friday, March 19, 2010

Chili Cheese Fries...

The makings of chili cheese fries...shortening for cooking fries, fries, hot dog sauce, cheese and finely chopped onions which I pictured below.  The cheese dip in photo below can be used in place of shredded cheese above.

Cook the fries 

Drain the fries on newspaper or paper towels
The boys, Roger, Rudy, and Robert watching the process in anticipation of the finished product...
Meanwhile heat the sauce either on the stove or micro.
If you're using the jarred cheese sauce warm in the micro now or melt the shredded cheese in a double boiler with a wee bit of milk and stir until smooth.  I used the jarred cheese yesterday but I definitely like the melted shredded better. 
Place fries on a plate pour cheese over the top according to your taste, add chili and finely chopped onions.  Voila...chili cheese fries.


Jan said...

This is a yummy dish.
I remember the first time I had chili cheese frys..I've made them many times since,my kids love them!
miss you today, wish you were here :)

NanC said...

Have you had fries from Hardee's? Their fries are coated and yummy. I'd like to figure out that recipe. Miss you too, I'd love some of your good cooking today!

Cheyenne said...